February 23, 2007
Taking Back My Life
I interrupt my musings for a rant, that will not be written in iambic pentameter.
I have rarely done this. However I feel about President Bush or the war or the Italian Prime Minister or the UNICEF study about children in rich countries or Darfur or Bono or the couple that recreated the "Dirty Dancing" scene at their wedding reception....
... I have always been a little nervous to vent my spleen on this off-off-off-Broadway internet stage. Because this is a Bully Pulpit (of sorts) and I've always been a little in awe of the written word. Its power should be respected, even if little old me is the one writing it.
That said, I get to break my own rules - right? Right?
I have a friend, and I loved her. But we had an age-old problem. She made choices I didn't agree with and because I knew it wasn't my place to say anything, I tried not to. Yet, she knew. How can you not?
How can you miss the cool tones of disapproval? The first reaction of rejection, covered quickly by a sort of false enthusiasm?
I fucked up. I knew I was. I knew I did. I am so sorry for it. Yet, faced with the same dilemma today - I don't know what the right answer is.
Be a better actress? Find a way to make real peace with the decisions, no matter how much it makes you wince? Detach for a while?
We'll never be close friends again, although that's more because we didn't know how to make peace or trust each other again. A whole different kind of stuff than the stuff that wedged us apart in the first place.
And because there is such a thing as karma, and providence, and a great wheel - now I get to taste my own medicine.
Not so much.
There are people in my world, now, who disapprove of the choices I make. Who talk to me in those calm, measured tones of someone forcing themselves to be what they consider neutral.
And I'm (believe it or not) an interpersonal wimp. I have such a hard time sticking up for myself in a way that is productive. Usually by the time I say something, I garble it so badly that everything around me erupts in a lava-like consistency of confusion, emotion, and bad grammar.
So instead of dealing with my relationships, I've just been nodding and smiling. And it has been KILLING ME.
Please note here that, funnily enough, I am venting to a slice of the world that has probably offered me the most support and honest dialogue. Not funny 'ha-ha' but funny as in 'watch me shout at the wrong audience'.
But before I explode....
Yes, I want to dye my hair hot pink for a while. Yes, I quit a lucrative job so we could fritter away our savings. Yes, I let my house get cluttered and somewhat sloppy between scrubs. Yes, I am overweight, undermoisterized, and somehwat unevenly tweezed (although really, my eyebrows are naturally unmatched... you can only work with what you're given!). Yes, my family is emigrating to another country. Yes, I know entirely too much about Tom Cruise.
So what?
Honest to the Lord above... so what?
I am so tired of feeling defensive about my life. And I think that is part of the reason that I pulled away from writing about it.
When I was a corporate mini-titan, juggling an insane career while being primary point on my son's upbringing, my exhaustion and long hours were easy to understand, even sympathize with.
Maybe even respect.
I don't know.
Bear had the best education money could buy, my wardrobe was from Talbot's, the housekeeper kept the kitchen spotless, our retirement was secure, and isn't all that the American Dream?
And didn't I throw it all away?
Memo to those who disapprove - Yes. I did.
The American Dream, for anyone taking notes, was originally Protestant Fanaticism. But since World War 2, it has come to mean a "successful and satisfying life".
Someone give me a list of 20 indicators of what that breaks down into, that I can use as a checklist.
Would capitalistic achievements and social standing be on that list?
That's a real question.
For me, for CD, and for Bear - we didn't undergo an complete change of priorities overnight. We did not enter into an impoverished (monetarily) state with glib one-liners.
We have made choice after choice of the heart, and that's how we got here.
And here is OK.
I think, I don't know for sure, but I think that I am OK, too.
And if you want to blast me in the comments, disagree with me, send me an email asking me if I know what I am doing, ping me with question marks and an opinion that differs, and talk with me about the world and how we think we should make our places in it and even quote Thomas Paine while you're at it - I am cool with that.
Dialogue is good.
I welcome you. I welcome your thoughts and ideas.
But if you want to pick up the phone, hissing with disapproval of me and my life, with nothing to offer except this prevailing sense that I am doing it wrong...
...then I invite you to hang the fuck up.
/end rant.
Well, I think I've embarressed myself enough for one day. Mutter. I think I'll go pour myself a cup of coffee and have a bit of a sniffle.
And if you're still reading this, thank you for not being one of the people I wrote this for.
Posted by: Elizabeth at
06:52 AM
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::stands up, applauds::
Well said.
Posted by: caltechgirl at February 23, 2007 08:58 AM (r0kgl)
(beginassvice) I wonder if it would help if you would write down something on a note card or piece of paper you can keep with you and refer to when you receive the drive-byÂ’s of those who say they only care or worry. Mine would go something like this:
“I understand that you don’t understand how we’ve come to these decisions, and I understand that you feel like your plan is what’s best for us. But, you don’t live in our home, and you aren’t living our life and your hopes and dreams aren’t ours. I can assure you that we have thought this out fully, that we haven’t dreamed this up in the middle of the night. We understand the difficulties and consequences of what we are choosing to do. But, we do know what we are doing, and we believe that this is not only the best chance for our family but also the best choice. If you really love and care for like you say you do you will respect our decision, and you will support our decision.”
I’m sure you weren’t looking for assvice exactly – but I know what it is to have people who say they love you question you as though you aren’t an adult capable of making smart decisions. As though you’re making poor decisions that are going to have negative results for your child. I just may make that note card for myself….
Posted by: cursingmama at February 23, 2007 09:02 AM (PoQfr)
You, and only you, know what is exactly right for you and yours. When people voice concern about my decision (to drop out of college, to have children very young, to be a housewife), I say "thank you for your concern, I believe I am doing what is right for my family." Usually with a little syrup on it, for good measure.
Sometimes, when you do something radical, people who have known you pre-rad will take offense, as if your radical move is somehow an affront to them, like you're saying they're wrong for not making the radical change as well. Perhaps moving to Canada, you'll meet people who have no idea who you were, and will take you for who you are. Then you can breathe and not have to feel defensive about your choices.
Posted by: rootietoot at February 23, 2007 10:13 AM (nHCJH)
Well some folks are just that way. Others of us have made some of the same 'crazy' choices, and you know, it works out fine in the end.
I still hear from the 'rents all the time about how I've taken on to much, or how could I be satisfied with what I have vs. what they think I should have. A bit late to be teaching, don't you think!
This will make 25+ years of my caring about you, so chalk on up for being still on your side.
Canada: Spelled-> C-Eh, N-Eh, D-Eh
I'll look for Bear on the ice at the Fleet Center soon!
Posted by: TheRanbir at February 23, 2007 10:52 AM (wKKQJ)
For my 40th birthday, I dyed my hair hot pink.
You could hear my mother's scream all around the world.
Since then, my hair has been every color combination imaginable. I love it.
My husband and I deliberately took jobs that paid less but allow us huge flexibility in hours so that we can raise our kids together.
This was fine, in theory. However, when it became apparent that we were not going to be able to afford to give the kids "the advantages" like riding lessons, piano lessons, traveling soccer, etc. Well. THAT was not ok. In fact, it might just lead to our kids being the same kind of "underachievers" we turned out to be.
It's a narrow, twisty road we're negotiating with family that loves us but does not agree with our choices as our own family unit.
This is crazy-making for us, but we smile and nod and get over it, since the kids have a great relationship with our extended family and we want to keep it that way.
Just smile and nod and then go scream into a pillow.
Canada will provide some distance.
Posted by: paige at February 23, 2007 02:20 PM (7knbp)
HA! OMG do I hear you on this one.
At the end of the day I have come to realise two things are the absolute truth:
1. Not only can you not please everyone, most of the time you can't please anyone!
2. It's not you, it's THEM - really!
Case point:
My husband and I start trying for a child when I'm 24 - we are criticised for being "babies trying to have babies". Within a year it's apparent things aren't good and we seek medical advice - we are criticised for not just letting things happen and stressing too much. We start IVF - let's not even recall the comments on that one. At 30 after 5 years and 15 IVF attempts we call it quits - and are told we should have 'tried harder' (seriously "what the"!). At 35 total strangers criticise our "child free lifestyle" (sorry about my happy marriage, fulfilling career, travel plans and our lovely home you're right- when we found out we couldn't have kids I should have just thrown in the towel and spent the rest of my life in my bedroom crying #rolls eyes#).
You just can't win!
Hang in there. xx
[and cursingmama I'm using your card! You should make them and sell them! BRILLIANT!!]
Posted by: FLIKKA at February 25, 2007 08:32 AM (VefMs)
KUDDOS to you for doing what I have not had the guts to do. Yet. Thank you for sharing.
Posted by: emily at February 26, 2007 01:21 AM (dkb4+)
Thnak you for sharing this. In a year, my husband and I intend for him to give up his partnership in a business that is financially stable. I have already moved from practicing law to teaching to prepare for a move. We are not quite sure where we are going, but we are done. Yes, I expect my life will be a bit more unstable, but sometimes I wish we could go now (we have two kids and are giving them one more year for finances). My mother is the phone caller you write about. I can't tell anyone where we live of our plans, but my family who is thousands of miles away knows of our plan. The constant doubting of our sanity irritates me. Talking to me like I am an ungrateful child pisses me off. I understand that we are damn lucky for the opportunites we have had but we want something different (possibly living overseas), and more importantly, we want to live differently. We did it all right - went to college and graduate school, paid off our school loans, had children, saved for their education and for our retirement, bought a house and a safe car BUT this is not my dream and I'll be damned if I'm going to waste my one life living someone else's dream. Good for you for having the guts to take a chance - I hope I'll be as brave when it's my turn.
Posted by: Hexe at February 26, 2007 03:07 AM (Oo4U0)
What you've done takes courage - courage that I will likely never have - so don't let The Peanut Gallery get to you!
Posted by: Monica C. at February 26, 2007 08:23 AM (PaLQU)
Hehe. Loved the post.
It's human nature to want to meddle. PAthetic, huh?
I wanna see pics of the pink hair though!! hehe.
Hope it made you feel a little better to vent at us. It's nice to hear someone just say it like it is.
Posted by: Sam at February 26, 2007 12:01 PM (tzase)
Good for you. I particular felt your point about not knowing how to make up. I fell out with a friend of 17 years last week. I feel stuck. I feel I have the moral high ground. Will I lose a friend out of stubborness? I feel she was incredibly unfair to me. She doesn't see it that way. What would I advise my daughter to do? Am I setting a good example? I haven't finished thinking all this stuff through yet.
Also. as of today I'm no longer a corporate mummy. not through reflection and choice like you, though. I'm really afraid of what will happen to me, my relationship, our finances, our family dynamic. I would love to think I could make the kind of choices you made, to put family and quality of life first. I fear I'm too selfish.
Posted by: dodo at February 26, 2007 10:54 PM (pfN4s)
Don't you just hate people who try to push their values and hang-ups onto you? To think you should be just like them even though in their hearts they know perhaps something is perhaps missing from their own lives! GAH!!!
Be you. All three of you. How you live your life is between the three of you and God. That's it. Nobody else. And it seems to me you're doing a great job of the important stuff (that didn't sound right... I'm sure you're doing well with the less important stuff too).
I totally relate to what you said about being an interpersonal wimp. I'm the very same way. Isn't funny how you can be a success at talking and stuff in your career but a total wack-o when it comes to personal stuff??
Keep up the writing!!
Posted by: Kelly at February 27, 2007 04:00 AM (VPwLk)
Guess your family called you! Don't you just love people who think they knows what's best for you.....I figured that once I was past 30 I owed no one anything and life was just too hard to live it by someone else's standards. Do what makes you happy. Pink hair is cute and it does grow out or you can always re-dye it another color. That reminded me of the cute commercial where the young daughter is asking her mother if she could dye her hair some other color. The mother started to say no and then said, hey if grandma can have blue hair why not you! You do need to post pictures of this great hair color.
Posted by: LeeAnn at February 27, 2007 09:28 AM (SLFj+)
The choices you are making are your own personal struggle...how to do what is right for your own family even when it flies in the face of what society says you are "supposed" to do. But you are not alone nor do your actions exisit in a vacuume, there are many, many other families out there struggling to create a life that is meaningful, simple, and not drenched in the sort of hectic materialism that is so prevalent in our society that it becomes almost invisible. You are putting personal relationships, family closeness, and a relaxed lifestyle over the "American Dream", and I applaud you. (Although I will miss you terribly when you leave for CANADA!)
As I am getting ready to leave full-time employment to work at home part time so that I can be a stay-at-home mommy, watching you make your way gives me confidence that we can make good choices for our family, too, even though we will have a LOT less money.
Posted by: laura at March 01, 2007 02:52 PM (Tqoj6)
But upon further reflection, I also realize that it is easy to write a response when you agree with the person. I can very much relate to the situation in the first part of your post. The hard thing to do is to learn how to voice your differences when you really DON'T agree with the person. OR to learn how to gracefully support the person and not the action, without pretending to agree. Because most of the time, things work out ok and people are in charge of their own lives. And they just might be doing just fine, while you're sitting there wincing. I guess that is what the last few years has taught me, anyway...that people mostly know what they're doing, or will figure it out soon enough. And there is a danger in being too invested in having those who are close to us make choices that mirror our own. When they make choices I'd never make, I end up feeling somehow let down, and it makes having any sort of conversation about it feel very unnatural. So, while it is important to have hopes and dreams and expectations for those we love...sometimes we have to make sure not get those expectations mixed up with our hopes and dreams and expectations for ourselves.
Having been on both sides of the equation in my life, that is as close as I have gotten to understanding. Does that make any sense?
Posted by: laura at March 01, 2007 04:14 PM (Tqoj6)
Good for you... Dropping the F-Bomb once in awhile is good for the soul.
Good Luck in Canada... if I ever find the right partner and lose my auto Industry job I just may join you.
Posted by: Becky at March 02, 2007 07:04 AM (JKGfQ)
Time for an update: Do you have pink hair yet? Replaced your front door? Put the house on the market and started packing for Canada yet?
How are you doing? I hope all is well and you are happier since spring is almost here.
Posted by: LeeAnn at March 05, 2007 10:36 AM (JQe3J)
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February 21, 2007
The Lie
Last weekend we went to the
Enchanted Castle for a birthday party. It was a heaving mass of sneezing, hacking, nose-wiping, sugar-high kids. Of course, Bear had a blast.
As soon as I got him home, CD and I hoisted Bear into a tub and scrubbed a fine layer of skin off. Dagnabbit, we didn't get there in time.
This morning our beautiful boy awoke with that barking cough that we know, and hate.
Vaporizers are now set on stun, captain. Benedryl locked and loaded.
Back here at the ranch...
1) Moving to Canda. This is true.
It will take about 2 years to get their equivalent of a green card (landed status).
They have a streamlined paperwork version of the application, not currently available to Americans living in America, and we were all hyped because it was availabe to CD. The catch? The queue time for THAT process is about... 4 years.
So we'll go the American route, and look for a job there in the meantime (work visas are available - I've had two).
Why Canada? It was a long, long decision... if anyone remembers when we first started thinking about moving. And not all the reasons are logical, listed.
Like when I landed in England, got to London, and walked along the Thames that first afternoon. I knew - solidly in my soul with no more proof than the sun on the river and the distant traffic - that I could spend the rest of my life there and be happy.
Come to think of it, I almost did.
The more we looked for where we should go, someplace with a great education system that was much more rural, geographically beautiful, family-friendly, and had enough of an IT field for CD .... the more we kept casting our eyes north. First to Minneapolis and Buffalo. Then, as Bear would say, Norther.
I think if I hadn't wanted Canada, we might have ended up in Sweden - which is where most of CD's family has emigrated. But with due respect to the Ikea mothership, no.
So, Canada.
On a side note, Michelle pointed out to me yesterday (oh, I love me some Gmail-Chat), that another member of the blogworld is poised to make this trek already. Chasmyn and her brood are moving up to Canada in about.. hmmm... 6 days.
2) Heath Ledger and Tom Cruise. Yes, heaven help me, this is true too.
3) Bear's School versus Corporate Mommy. This is the lie.
In fact, I was fired as room mother.
The teacher put on that glazed smile a few weeks ago and informed me that she had decided to the all the planning and preparation for the class party for Valentine's Day, wouldn't need any help with the 100th day celebration, and gee, if she did suddenly need my services again - why she would CALL.
Bear and I got together his Scooby-Doo Valentines and made that banner and I just pretended that everything was fine. Because this is SO not his battle. And I was told, when I made the obligatory "WTF?!" phone call, that while Room Parents do have traditional responsibilities - we serve at the pleasure of the teachers.
As though all this comes with free rides on Air Force One.
The principal? The one that told me that 'children from lower-socioeconomic strata are sometimes taught at home to use violence to solve problems and that I, as a parent, had to understand that?' She didn't return my call.
Holy Hannah, yes. Yes, I am THAT mom.
4. Lapband. Yes, this is true. I am considering it. Also the new medication out there. I am very, very serious about getting help because the long-term effects of obesity are terrifying, and also because I want to be healthier for my life. I want to be able to ice skate with Bear and twist into monkey love positions with CD (should, you know, his back ever fully heal).
5. The End of the Ravings of a Corporate Mommy. Yes, this is true, too. I had decided during my 100 days recently that this blog had run to its natural end.
But I couldn't pull the plug. I am now considering either a blog with private posts or setting this blog up on a regular schedule like Helen does. Although she posts every weekday and I might choose just 2 or 3 set days a week. CD got me the software to make podcasts, so there's all kinds of options.
I read all your emails, and the comments, and it made me think that I was being silly to think that now that my journey from corporate shark to freelancing minnow is sealed that the story seems to have strolled to where it should end.
But there is a part of me that wonders if I am hanging on after jumping the shark. I am scared that somehow I will get to be like this sad caricature of who Corporate Mommy used to be.
And I have learned, since revealing my real name, to be timid in my words. And that just has to stop.
I want to keep this blog alive, if anyone is still reading. I want the freedom to write what I feel and think, really. I want to stop pulling down drafts because I am afraid.. of the reaction, of who might be reading.
It's just... how?
Posted by: Elizabeth at
02:45 AM
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OH, Canada, Oh Canada! If I were to decide to leave the states, Canada would be high on the list of choices for me. I'm just surprised Canada hasn't experienced an influx of border-jumping Americans over the past, oh, six years.
I've considered the lapband as well, and then learned it's still considered an "experimental procedure" in the U.S. and wouldn't be covered by my insurance. At this point, I just don't have the few thousand to cover it.
Keep the blog alive, a good idea, I think. How to stop being so timid in the words? I don't have an answer. My real name isn't on my personal blog, but I still catch myself tempering what I write. I keep a private, handwritten journal in a natty notebook for those words I just HAVE to say but don't really want to share with the world.
Posted by: Jenn at February 21, 2007 04:09 AM (pJKcZ)
I don't know how you keep the blog alive, but I wanted you to know, I'm still reading!
Posted by: Monica C. at February 21, 2007 07:38 AM (PaLQU)
I have been a lurker for quite awhile and I would be so sorry to see you go. Even though I am really just a peon in the Corp world, your words have really helped me to examine my own needs and desires as it relates to career and family.
Thank you Elizabeth!
Posted by: Flybunny at February 21, 2007 08:17 AM (9W23x)
I have been lurking for quite some time as well. I had suspected the Canada item was true. May I suggest you write a guide for the rest of us. My best friend and her family have been considering living out of the country for a year to test the waters. I have a feeling they will love it. I myself would like to escape. I do not feel the way we live here is necessarily the best for children. This is a huge trend of women with young children. Please compose a book on the phenomenon and/or tell us how we can do it. I have enjoyed your posts for over a year now and will miss you.
Posted by: teenie at February 21, 2007 10:16 AM (6RvVc)
Dear Elizabeth,
Perhaps you could start another blog with anew purpose (like tracking your emigration, as suggested) and quietly let out the word to people whom you'd like to have read it? Another option might be using an interface that lets you password-protect posts for yourself or selected others to read. Hopefully these can work for you, or you can continue to write in another rewarding forum.
I'm very curious -- in what region of Canada do you plan to live? It is a fairly big stretch of snow up here.

(To be fair, while I breezily inform people I'm considering "international" doctoral opportunities, in reality I daydream about warm Southern hospitality and Californian beaches. And generous fellowships; I dream about those, too....)
Posted by: madrigalia at February 21, 2007 10:44 AM (zPRst)
I don't think you need to apologize to any one for how you think or feel. And speaking of, I hate to see you say that you feel like your journey is coming to an end. I would like to think that your journey is FAR from over, and who you are is only NOW beginning to come out. You will never be a "sad caricature" of who you were. You are a different person now. Yeah, very much the same, but definitely different in good ways.
Posted by: caltechgirl at February 21, 2007 11:00 AM (r0kgl)
I've been reading you for a while too! I love your writing! I work in the corporate world and can relate so much to what you write, but I also relate to you as a mother. I would miss you very much if you decided to not blog. You are very talented! I also understand about wanting to do it without your name being out there.
Posted by: Cindy at February 21, 2007 01:08 PM (cbnUD)
Glad to hear that you vs The Board of Ed. are at peace. Forget the Lapband, I think once you are really happy the weight should come off and that just might happen once you move to Canada. I haven't met anyone from there that I didn't like...very happy contented people. I have enjoyed reading your blog and wish that you would post more often but if it needs to end, so be it. And about your front door...replace it and take it with you as a rememberance because it is beautiful.
Posted by: LeeAnn at February 21, 2007 02:39 PM (SLFj+)
Aweww. I've jsut discovered your blog and you might be leaving us?
Would really like to keep up with your new blog. I enjoy your take on the world and the battle with the stupid school. hehehe.
Posted by: Sam at February 21, 2007 03:26 PM (tzase)
I think I've commented here once or twice, but I lurk regularly. I, too, would miss your writing. I understand if you need to let it go, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
Posted by: Sharkey at February 21, 2007 03:33 PM (ZzGbc)
Please don't quit the blog! I lurk here often and enjoy your writing. Corporate mom myself, though my boys are quite a bit older now.
Posted by: Janie at February 21, 2007 04:09 PM (EKMxC)
I, too, have been reading for some time and really enjoy your writing and perspective. If you do start something new, I do hope you'll consider a way to include some of the old readers....
Posted by: gigi at February 21, 2007 05:59 PM (dhWsb)
Hi there, I am a lurker and have been reading for 2 years, I LOVE your blog, as a Corporate Mommy myself I thought I would stop reading more as you became the *unCorporate Mommy

* but I haven't, your writing speaks to me and I encourage you to continue.
Canada, as a Canadian I can't be more positive about my country (we have our issues) but I love our home, I'm in Ottawa (Nations Capital) and I think it would be a great place for you folks (high tech capital and all). EAST Coast is lovely (PEI Prince Edward Island is gorgeous) West Coast (BC British Columbia increadible) so many choices and Canada is a country of typically free thinking folks (Same sex marriage is legal) I'd like to think we are all about mindng our own business, proud of our Peace Keeper moniker, Economy is good, compared to the States our cost of living is much higher.
You should check out MLS and see what you like for the regions
We have a solid education system (okay not perfect but hey who is) in Ottawa Bilingualism and French Immersion is huge, as you move West less so, We have here in Ottawa the following Boards of Education: French Catholic, French Public, Catholic and the Public board, along with private schools (we have alot of Montessori schools also)
If you'd like to chat or discuss Canada, drop me a line I'd love to share the love I have for my Country with you.
Posted by: Kellie (the Canadian) at February 22, 2007 01:08 AM (yTwkC)
I am fascinated by your decision to emigrate to Canada. Could you briefly, or at length, comment on the factors behind your decision. What is the main reason? Do you know anyone there? Do you have any family there? Do you believe Canada will be better, and in what ways? We have also thought about leaving the U.S. ... I admire your courage.
Posted by: Margaret at February 22, 2007 01:10 AM (5bn8z)
Moving to Canada is going to be an experience. Getting the "green card" or whatever it's called, will be another one. These are experiences I'll probably never go through, and I would love to read about yours, from your unique and clear perspective. From one minnow to another.
Posted by: rootietoot at February 22, 2007 01:24 AM (nHCJH)
Please share -- what is the new med you're considering re: weight loss! I might try it too!
I half jokingly frequently say we should move to Canada! If my husband didn't like warm weather so much we'd seriously consider it. The schools, the universal healthcare, the diversity, the landscape -- sign me up!
Posted by: Kelly at February 22, 2007 03:33 AM (VPwLk)
I would miss your blog SOOOOO much. I know I suck at taking time to comment, but I love your writing style and the way you think and just everything . . . (hmm . . . now I sound like a stalker . . . nice.)
whatever you decide, please keep me in the loop!!!!
Posted by: Jen_Jakesmom at February 22, 2007 03:55 AM (2/T1v)
How about this:
Create another blog - completely anonymous. Mention here that if people would like to know what/where it is that they'll have to email you personally to get a link. Then you can decide who gets to jump ship with you and who doesn't. I believe Helen did something like this when she started her secondary blog - she may have some more ideas.
I'd miss you if you left.
Posted by: Suz at February 22, 2007 09:25 AM (GhfSh)
If you stopped blogging, I would miss this place. If you do quit, leave a link to a website for where we'll find your work other places?
You are a gifted writer and I think you'd have a good shot at freelancing or contributing to any number of websites, webzines and print media.
But I hope you don't quit. So much of what you say resonates so much with me. (In a completely non-stalkery way). Even if you quit the blog... please don't quit writing.
Posted by: paige at February 22, 2007 12:06 PM (KPt65)
Yet another lurker, yet another request to be kept appraised of any moves to anonymity you make, if it's possible. I really enjoy your writing, and the shift to non-corporate hasn't changed that - your take on the world is what's kept me coming back, and that's still as present as ever.
I can definitely understand about the desire to keep things a bit more circumspect, though, and above all I want *you* to do what's right for your life. I hope that there's still a way forthe rest of us to keep up with it, but that's most certainly secondary!
Posted by: alice at February 24, 2007 05:47 AM (XVey5)
Oh my goodness! I hope that you don't take down your blog. I really enjoy your writing, what YOU have to say, from the inside. The trappings don't matter; we are all certainly more than what we do. Hope I'm making sense.
Posted by: abogada at February 24, 2007 01:23 PM (2HYnK)
I would really love to keep reading what you write, wherever the writing ends up. What you have to say means a lot to me.
Posted by: laura at March 01, 2007 02:25 PM (Tqoj6)
I too would miss you if you go Elizabeth. I think that your happy ending awaits you, and you are just on the cusp of finding it, and I would be so, so sad to miss it.
Posted by: Mel at March 04, 2007 02:53 AM (+a2yI)
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February 19, 2007
4 Things That Are True
The other night I got in the Passat, turned up the music, set the seat warmers to '5' (also known as the 'Holy Shit You Could Cook an Egg on my Ass!' level), and hopped on the Eisenhower Expressway so I could sauvely idle my way into the city.
Yeah, it's hard to be humble when you're in gridlock on a Saturday night.
Me and a girlfriend went to see Breach. The movie about the spy, Robert Hansson. Good movie, although not as good as The Queen. But I'm rambling.
The spy says to the clerk - 'Tell me 5 things about yourself, 4 of them true...'
That really caught my imagination.
Sunday morning, after pancakes and sausage, I asked Bear to do it. He said:
1) I have lots of freckles
2) I like using my manners
3) Other people tell me I'm polite
4) I don't like being polite
5) I'm good at karate
I grinned at him. "Don't tell me I'm cute. I hate being cute!" he warned as I opened my mouth to say something.
So I just kissed his nose.
Then I asked CD the question. Half an hour later, he was still struggling with an answer. "This isn't so hard, Daddy," Bear told him. But CD never talks about himself. And when he's coming out of a relapse into Depression, which he is now, he is also digging out of an isolationist imperative. Eventually he came up with some things about his childhood.
It wasn't a bad list, although I guess his lie too.
I've been struggling with this post. Struggling with what to say. So instead of tying myself up in prosaic circles - here instead are 5 things about me.
4 of them are true.
1) I love Chicago. I have loved this city since I first stepped foot in it.
Every other family member I have, on both sides, lives within driving distance of the ocean. I have often felt like a cuckoo's egg because I was happy here. But I woke up recently and realized, I'm not. Not anymore. And that maybe no opportunities for anywhere else ever came real because I wasn't really ready to leave.
Now I am. Which is what started the conversation that led to CD and I deciding to emigrate to Canada.

2) Symmetries fascinate me. Beats and patterns twirl in my head unbidden.
But not in the usual way. Like Tom Cruise and Heath Ledger.
OK? First, these two guys are out there, partnered up with Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman, who are great friends. That goes on for a good long while, and then it ends.
Naomi and Nicole? Still pals. But Toma nd Heath are off the hook - no longer freinds-in-law who have to make nice while the women chat.
Ah, maybe not. Tom Cruise and Heath Ledger decide to move on to Dawson's Creek - there were two female leads on the show, Katie Holmes and Michelle Williams.
In the fall of 2005, Tom and Katie announce their having a baby. 2 weeks later, Heath and Michelle Williams actually have their baby. And eventually, both couple marry.
Jeez. It's not like I want this stuff stuffing my thoughts. But there it is, in my brain. Health Ledger and Tom Cruise. And their women. Gak.
3) I have managed to make peace with Bear's school. I cheerfully planned a great Valentine's Day party, per my Room Parent official duty book. The principal and I reached an agreement to disagree place where I think we're both managing to respect each other's positions. When I delivered the banner Bear made as his project for the 100'th Day of School celebration, I really felt part of the school community.

4) I have been over 200 pounds now for almost 5 years. I have decided to do something drastic, since all reasonable measures continue to fail. I am considering letting a surgeon place a rubber band around my stomach to controll how many calories I can physically ingest. Just thinking about it scares the crap out of me, especially since a lot of the reason behind it feels like vanity. But I know that the long-term effects of obesity are heinous, so it all feels... crazy inside.
Especially when I do something like a project with Bear about the concept of 'What is alive?' and we make homemade pretzels (it was an experiment for both of us!). They came out great, but I felt guilty even trying one with him. Instead of being able to nibble and have the conversation about yeast - I was thinking 'oh these are fattening, how can I even bite into this?' It's just a fucked up way to live.

5) During my 100 Days of Wild Winds one of the basic questions I asked myself was if I should dismantle this blog. I decided that I would, because I need the absolute ripping honesty that comes from a private place - and this one? Has my real name on it, searchable to just about the uh .. entire planet.
But each time I take that breath to start the end, I can't do it. I am addicted to it. I am addicted to you. I am addicted to Cheryl and Kalisah and Helen and Suzanne and Kimberly and Michelle and Jim and oh.... stopping before I fry my hand. I am addicted to this community of write and read and share and breathe. And I don't know what to do now, when before I was so sure.
I've spent a lot of time admiring the new front door (yes, for those who remember.. the 'thwacka' door that rode 900 miles on our van).... thinking about how I can save this and me. No answers have floated in with snow, though.
Damn snow.
Posted by: Elizabeth at
04:54 PM
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I can't decide if the false ones are about emigrating to Canada or the peace accord with Bear's school.
The universe has a way of self correcting. I've been obsessing over this since the last episode of LOST. Things can twist and turn all they like but in the end it's all in the hands of the universe. And now we meditate.

I've been talking to my doctor about the lapband. He was all "dude, you have more than 100 pounds to lose!" And I was all "duh! but I don't want to it to be permanent!" Then he was all "but if you want to lose that much then you'll have to look into gastric bypass." Jury is still out for me. I'll be keeping an eye on you if and when you go down that path.
It's amazing how when your name is suddenly on something that you put up some walls that are etched so you can see some but not all of what's going on. I think everyone who has their name out there or who has a blog that their friends and family have found feel the need to flee and find a place that's anonymous and safe. I hope you don't scram to points unknown without letting some of us know where you are.... but then that would sort of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
Posted by: Michele at February 19, 2007 06:04 PM (5VGFA)
I'm guessing the lie is about bear's school. I totally understand how you feel about your blog. The biggest mistake I ever made was telling my folks about my blog. They then told the rest of the family. Ever since then (about a year ago now) to say its no fun to write would be an understatement. I'd love to continue reading your writing though so if you ever do switch to another blog please drop me an e-mail.
Posted by: Kelly at February 20, 2007 08:25 AM (VPwLk)
Nice door! I say the making peace with school is the untrue thing too! I hope it is not giving up the blog. The Canada idea is interesting. How long are you going to make us wait before you tell us which is the untruth?
Posted by: fannneee at February 20, 2007 04:12 PM (n5NKq)
OMG, those pretzels are killing me . . . they look AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Jen_Jakesmom at February 22, 2007 03:52 AM (2/T1v)
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February 01, 2007
Say it out loud
A strange coincidence this week, a couple of emails asking me when and how I knew I should quit my job. Actually, three of them.
I'm going to hope it wasn't the same person, thrice, and take the cheap bathbubbles exit on the drug store highway and say... I didn't know.
I told the executives that I wanted an unpaid leave with my heart beating THWACK THWACKA in my ears. But I was literally having chest pains from the stress, and I didn't want to be a complete weenie and die on the job. So I asked for the leave.
I filled out the paperwork for my unpaid leave thinking "Well, when the 30 days is up, I'll just end up back at work..." even as I was saying to the person who was backfilling for me that he had to take over with the assumption that I wouldn't be back.
When I got a couple of offers for other positions within Mega while I was on leave, I just sort of... let them fade away. "Oh, thank you," I would say, honestly. "It's nice of you to think of me, but I'm still deciding on my next step..."
When the guy pinged me via IM, the hatchet-man? - I thought as I dialed his number "Oh, huh, so maybe..."
And when he said I was being laid off effective Friday, with that smile in his voice like he was a cat presenting me with a half-dead mouse with its brains hanging out, it finally hit. What I had done. And I actually put the phone on mute and did this half sob - half giggle thing. I mean, I had to stand up and shake my hands really hard like I'd just been crowned Miss America. Only, without the rhinestone tiara.
How did I know it was time to leave Mega? How did I orchestrate leaving?
I don't know.
I'm not sage. I'm not wise. I still am unsure when to use Saffron and when to use Cumin.
There was no light bulb moment.
I was always torn, wanting to be a stay at home mom when my son was young and yet working 60 hour weeks.
My dad is a Vice-President. My mother is a CPA. And I am so deeply proud of them. They are good people.
The world told them, when they were raising me, that 'Greed was good'. And they worked their asses off to provide me with the years at prep school, the bedroom with the picture window and flowered wallpaper, the ski vacations and the ballet lessons.
And I am grateful.
But that doesn't mean that I want to make the same choices.
It began to occur to me that I didn't know the last time I actually hung out with either of them. Grabbed lunch somewhere, just the two of us, to shoot the shit. Relaxing and laughing over some sun-drenched table.
Just never happens.
Oh, God. That makes me sound like some disgruntled whiny-assed daughter. Which I am not.
For the record, my parents worked really hard to build a family that spent time together.
But the truth, to me, is that people just don't change gears like that. At least, I can't. I couldn't spend 10 hours in heightened rush mode, telling other people what to do and fighting to get my goals met, and then just popover to the soccer field and plug into being a parent. My cell phone would go off and I would be answering it and pulling off the sidelines. Coming back and asking another parent 'What did I miss?"
It's just that... look. This is my own shit.
But I really hated being hung up on my salary, and my title. And I... couldn't multi task the demands of my corporate responsibilities with my parenting in a way that respected the sacredness of undivided attention. I was constantly juggling.
And my son and my husband and I began to stop eating family meals around the table. We started missing the details of each other. In tiny little ways.
I would have flashes of the future, of Bear talking to me like I talk to my parents - in a status report.
The more I suited up onto the corporate battleground, the more I succeeded - and failed - the more I became convinced that I knew where this road led... and I wanted something different for my life and that of my family.
How did I know it was time to quit?
I didn't. I just... became sure inside over time that I was doing it wrong.
CD looked at me and said "What would make you happy?" It was a frigging throwaway question. He was a little pissed even. Said it kind of snotty, but with real curiosity for what I would say.
The answer took a while. It bloomed in me over weeks. Over nights. Over teleconferences.
It feels counterintuitive to contemplate raising my son with fewer social and material advantages than I had. Like somehow I am making this crazy bad mommy decision.
But eventually, I just started saying out loud, that I would like to ... be home with him while he's growing up. To be his parent and his teacher. To live simply with my family, preferably by the water - which seems to feed all our souls.
Nothing I hadn't said before. Maybe it was that this time, I was serious. Something changed when we began talking about what it was going to cost to pay the piper to make it happen. Like we were really going to do this now.
We talked about what it would mean to leave the lucrative job that sucked 60 hours a week from life. Sell the house. Move our little boy far from the only home he has ever known. Be responsible for the dishes and the laundry for the next, uh, 400,000 loads.
And for CD, who was crushed by a major depression more than 5 years ago, and had to leave me pretty much to carry everything while he recovered, I think it was harder for him to decide this than me. Because it would put a lot on his shoulders. But he started saying it, too. Like, "We'd want to wait until the school year was over to move..."
And then I said to my boss one day, after layoffs had been announced, that I would slip a twenty to get my name on the RIF list. Because I needed a long, serious break.
And she laughed. So I laughed back. But neither of us thought it was funny. Then a hundred little steps after that.
I don't know which moment it all clicked. There was no Prince Ferdinand, getting killed and starting a war. I'm sorry. It just... happened in small decisions, in 'what if...' conversations, and in slowly changed priorities.
And then, we were here.
My friend Dee has a passionate love for the Gandhi quote
Action expresses priorities.
She says that once we decided to change direction, it was inevitable that we did. And I guess, that is all the answer I have.
Posted by: Elizabeth at
06:40 PM
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Any regrets at this point? I only ask because I did the same thing and although I raised some great kids..they are really great, I am now wondering what to do with the rest of my life. I'm not that old, had kids young. There has to be a balance somewhere. Just not sure, even at this stage of my life where it is.
Sorry, have been lurking awhikle and had to comment.
Posted by: Chris at February 02, 2007 05:31 AM (tR2uV)
I was among the three who asked you the question. Thank you for taking the time to answer.
(I suppose you don't have chest pains anymore?)
Posted by: KDE at February 02, 2007 08:37 AM (W46Ik)
What happened with the whole school, handedness, testing thing?? I've been waiting and waiting, and ..........what happened?
Posted by: Robin at February 02, 2007 11:37 AM (4iJ3P)
Funny--every big decision I've ever made, including the decision to have a child unfolded much like this. No big aha--now we do X--moment. You just move towards what feels right and somehow you find yourself doing it.
It strikes me that you think staying home (and in the process, making less money) is a bad mommy decision.
Of course, for me, it's the desire to work (and, in the process have a bit more money) that makes me feel like a bad mommy.
Which goes to show--there's guilt around every corner you turn when you are a mother! The only way through is to follow your heart. Doing what makes you happy is likely to translate into you being the best parent you can be.
Posted by: coquette at February 04, 2007 06:39 AM (WKP3l)
Hi! I have been following your blog for a long time. I am a corporate mommy too (I still have a job). I have had to make similar decisions. I would love to have lunch in the sun with my 6 yr old, on a weekday too.
I think you are very brave.It is a difficult choice and you made it and you are going with it all the way.Single pay check, housework, another house...Kudos to you! I wish I was brave enough to make the choice too!
Posted by: kiwiandkitsch at February 04, 2007 08:32 PM (K4sN9)
I don't know where the time went. It seemed just yesterday that my kids were little. Now my baby has turned 21. I'm so glad that I spent the time to be a full-time Mom. The money I didn't make at a job could never have replaced those years with my little ones. They are a treasure, and once gone you can never get them back. Now I am helping other parents who need a bit of counseling or support.
Posted by: Linda Falkner LMHC at February 04, 2007 08:45 PM (8FSzW)
I have thought on and off about quitting and being a stay at home mom, but I just haven't been able to do it. Next year though, I will be able to move down to parttime so I can be home when the kiddos get home from school and hopefully spend more hours at home during the summer.
I am fortunate though that I rarely work an entire 40 hour week right now and easily take time off whenever needed and can work from home on occasion.
But on the other side of the coin, losing my income scares the crap out of me.
Posted by: Jenn at February 05, 2007 09:39 AM (pJKcZ)
I am still deep in the throes of corporate mommy-dom. I have been working at large firms for the last 8 years, but my firm of the past 2 years is more of the Real Deal. Lots of time being put in, lots of money coming out...so all of the real sacrifices that I am making are coming to light. Only recently have I ever dared ask myself if this is what I really want. I know that I do not want to be a stay at home mom (not for me, mm mm), but at the same time, I don't need to make a gazillion (or even half a gazillion) dollars, either. I pray that I will someday find a balance, one that leaves me feeling whole.
Posted by: Monica C. at February 07, 2007 07:45 AM (PKru1)
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