September 28, 2008

You Have To Go There To Come Back (Part 1)

2.5 years ago, I got lost coming home from the bank.

The bank? It's less than a mile from my house. The experience? Scared the shit out of me.

Headaches that had been a growing annoyance became coupled with a sort of sensory fuzziness. It's hard to explain. But getting lost that day forced me to realize that something was really happening to me. I presented myself to the doctors, with the firm instruction that they fix me.

After several false starts at a diagnosis, I was tested from my eyeballs to my kidneys. Test after test gave me reasons to twirl around shouting "EEK!" - but nothing that ever explained the symptoms.

I began to wonder. If the doctors can find nothing, then maybe it was all (Ha Ha) in my head? No, dammit. Something was wrong, but at the same time I told myself that I should hold tight to my place on the wheel. Not lose the present worrying. Embrace the autumn, as the leaves began to turn.

Even though it's been a challenge to slip away from my own words, my own memories, and the people I care about - you'd be amazed how easy it's also been. We humans are magical creatures. We can make anything normal. We are infinitely adaptable - especially to things that happen to us slowly.

This summer, an infection in the base of my skull gave me and my doctors a reason to take a fresh look at what's been happening.

Suddenly, a new pair of eyes told my primary doctor and I what we already suspected. With that came a moment of Grace, when I was offered a way to halt this slide my life has been on.

It's not an easy option. It's a bold, proactive thing. It would demand that I run to the cliff - and jump.

You know, I went to Greece some years ago. A little island no one's ever heard of. Anyway, I was riding my little moped and there was the little cliff and I was feeling bold.

So I went ahead and stripped off my clothes... and jumped.

It was like I was leaping right into my fear. I don't like heights, I've never been thrilled with my naked body, and even worse - as I fell, it occurred to me that I didn't have a plan for getting back UP.

I flew, though. And it was a hell of a thing. A hell of a thing.

But as I waited for that cruise ship to sail by so I could start climbing out of that deep blue sea - I knew, KNEW, I never wanted to do it again.

Ah. Well.

Posted by: Elizabeth at 09:24 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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1 {{{hugs}}} Thinking of you.

Posted by: Cheryl Flaim at September 28, 2008 12:11 PM (MyAt+)

2 Oh, Elizabeth. I hope that you have the support of those around you so that you can tap into your strength and courage for this - I know that you have those in you, and that it doesn't make things any easier in the end. Many, many good thoughts going your way.

Posted by: Alice at September 29, 2008 01:07 AM (8Xs3q)

3 Elizabeth, This is my first visit here (at least I think so!)--just wanted to send you some netting for that leap!

Posted by: Karen Putz at September 29, 2008 02:33 AM (GAf+S)

4 I'm so glad to see you back! I hope you can tell us good news as the weeks go by....we'll be thinking of you and your family.

Posted by: Tammy at September 29, 2008 03:01 PM (BAFU9)

5 I've really missed you & glad you came back to share with us. I will keep you in my prayers for a full recovery!!

Posted by: Cindy at September 30, 2008 11:57 AM (ER58c)

6 You jumped off a cliff? In Greece? Into the ocean? Wow. I don't think I ever heard that story. Don't think I'd have the courage to try that- but then you are an infinitely better swimmer than I : ) I'm so glad to see new posts here. You are in my thoughts all the time. I am very excited for you; I think you are about to turn this thing around.

Posted by: Laura at October 05, 2008 04:35 AM (Tqoj6)

7 Yahoo! I'm glad you're back. You jumped off a freakin' cliff? Woman!! You rock!

Posted by: Janie at October 06, 2008 05:34 PM (iZ0tH)

8 I'm a first-time visitor. I hope all goes well for you. Take care, and you'll be in my prayers. Ken

Posted by: Ken at October 07, 2008 01:50 AM (Y5avh)

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