We're home, all three of us.
It's not Strep. It's not Kowasaki. They don't what it is, just some virus. And all the doctors sing the same song (Doo-wop, Doo wop) that 6 days of 104-ish temperatures are not normal.
They pulled fluids, are running some tests. But the upshot is that they let us take Bear home. (If his fever climbs again, or if he's not better by Friday, or if he gets one of 2 freaky rashes, then it's back to Children's.)
Bear is curled up with his dad in front of Scooby Doo. Thank God for our blessings. And thank everyone for the good thoughts and prayers. I don't think we've ever been so scared in our lives, and I can't begin to describe what it means to know that people are so kind.... (oh, can't talk. I'm verklempt.)
{{{Elizabeth}}} {{{Bear}}}
Posted by: Cheryl at September 28, 2005 02:13 PM (xz8OC)
Poor thing. He must be worn out. And you, too. I hope he's right as rain, very soon.
Posted by: Jennifer at September 28, 2005 02:43 PM (1X5Jq)
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said better by someone else, but here's another person who's sending good vibes over Bear's way. And, even though I'm sure your work issues are so much lower on the priority totem pole right now, I also hope for the best in that arena, too. I'm sorry you've had all this stuff to deal with lately. Keep on keepin' on.
Posted by: Hip Mama at September 28, 2005 03:47 PM (jZAhe)
I'm very glad to hear Bear is at home! I hope he feels better soon. If you want me to bring over some chicken soup, I will.
You are all very much on my mind tonight!
Posted by: Laura at September 28, 2005 03:51 PM (3cOz+)
Having sick kids is hard. It drains you and exhausts him. All of you get some rest. I'll be thinking of you!
Posted by: Carmen at September 28, 2005 10:52 PM (be9Aa)
Sending best wishes and god speed to all of you...
Posted by: Eyes for Lies at September 29, 2005 03:55 AM (QhI+Z)
I thought a lot about you guys last night, praying everything would be ok. I'm glad that nothing too serious is going on. You know we had the same kind of thing with our 1 year old earlier this summer.
Last night we took our 3 year old to urgent care because she was on Day 3 of a low-grade fever. Diagnosis - sinus infection.
Despite it all, as you alluded to, we have SO much to be thankful for.
Hope the fever goes away TODAY!
Monica C.
Posted by: Monica C. at September 29, 2005 04:28 AM (gkN3L)
I really hoped that they would have some magic answer and a magic lolly pop that would make him all better. Still sending hugs & good wishes for a speedy recovery!
Posted by: Cursingmama at September 29, 2005 08:06 AM (PoQfr)
That's always so scary; I hope he feels like himself soon...
Posted by: Philip at September 29, 2005 10:43 AM (R3FWx)
I am so sorry that your little boy is sick.
Our granddaughter started having raging
104 degree fever bouts when she was only
one year old. After ruling out the common
causes, she underwent a battery of tests
for every horrible disease that you can
name. Finally her doctor conceded that
he was baffled and consulted with a team
of specialists. The diagnosis was ‘childhood
fever syndromÂ’. The prognosis was good;
they said that most children outgrow the
syndrome. The fever episodes continued
for the next couple of years but lessened in
frequency as time went on until she was
about four when they stopped altogether.
Today she is a very healthy and active eight
year old. I did a quick search and am including this
and thereÂ’s a lot more information out there.
I hope your little boy feels better soon.
Posted by: Shary at September 29, 2005 05:42 PM (lZrSW)
Elizabeth - I've been reading your blog lately and I'm so sorry about little Bear. You mentioned quitting work.. but, perhaps all you need is a different work situation - not to quit your career completely. Or, you just need a different boss. That person needs a big dose of Karma. Wouldn't wish a sick child on anyone, but sometimes first-hand experience does wonders for upping someone's empathy quotient. Jerk.
Posted by: Michele at September 30, 2005 07:37 AM (WMa4u)
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